§602.国会决议声明(Congressional statement of findings)
§603.肉和肉类食品的检查(Inspection of meat and meat food products)
5604.动物胴体检查和标记或标签禁止食用肉胴体的毁灭复检(Post mortem examination of carcasse and marking or labeling; destruction oof carcasses condemned; reinspection)
5606.肉类食品检查员检查的标记禁止食用产品的销毁产品的出口(Inspectors of meat food products; marks of inspection; destruction of condemned products; products for export)
5607.肉和肉类食品标签、标记和容器的要求(Labeling,marking,and container requirements)
§608.屠宰和包装场所的卫生检查和管理;掺假肉类食品的拒绝(Sanitary inspection and regulation of slaughtering and packing establishments; rejection of adulterated meat or meat food products)
5609.在夜间屠宰和加工的动物及其食物产品的检查(Examination of animals and food products thereof,slaughtered and prepared during nighttime)
5610.禁止的行为(Prohibited acts)
5611.设备、标记、标签及证书仿造行为(Devices, marks, labels, and certificates; simulations)
§613.计划和复审(Plans and reassessments)
§615. 出口动物胴体和肉的检查(Inspection of carcasses, meat of which is intended for export)
5616.检查出口动物胴体和肉制品的检查员检查情况说明的证明书(Inspectorsof carcasses,etc,meat of which is intended for export; certificates of condition)
§617.禁止无检查说明书的肉类出口(Clearanceprohibited to vessel carrying meat for export without